UNDP is interested in receiving input from, and dialogue with market contractors regarding Technical requirements for Climate Information / Early Warning systems on our upcoming enquiry.
OffentligPrivatDialog / ComDia is an open platform for commercial dialogue between public organizations and private companies with specific focus on procurement and supply. All interested suppliers, entrepreneurs etc., can enter dialogues on OffentligPrivatDialog / ComDia, as the platform is open and public accessible. When entering a dialogue, participants can read published materials and create ideas and post questions.
The open platform enables participating suppliers to comment on ideas from other suppliers, and thereby creates a cross-sectional dialogue not only between public procurement specialists and suppliers, but also across the market between suppliers.Through this commercial dialogue, you have a unique opportunity to provide input to solicitation documents and make suggestions on how to improve specifications, conditions, offer lists and to help build cooperation between public and private entities.
How to:
Create your user-profile in the top right corner of offentligprivatdialog.dk or at Publinked.dk
On the Dialogue, you can submit ideas and questions, vote on existing ideas or add your comments and replies to existing ideas and questions.
If you want to create an idea or ask a question, click on "SUBMIT QUESTIONS" or "SUBMIT IDEA" in the top right corner of the page.
When logged in you can subscribe to this dialogue, and recieve notifications when theres is any activity. Click on "SUBSCRIBE" in the top tight hand corner.
We hope that you will be willing to participate in this pilot project on enhanced public/private cooperation and that you will this way help us in making solicitation documents that are targeted towards your market.