LED Ligalights

LED Ligalights outperform most outdoor illumination solutions by providing perfect light to e.g. footballfields, arenas or stadiums living up to all requirements and with no light-pollution to the surroundings or neighbors - and all with very significant operational cost reductions (energy and maintenance cost are below other known LED solutions). LED Ligalight Technologies is Optical Modulation, IOT operations and the inventions globally patented and made in Denmark.

LED Ligalights are developed in Denmark and co-invented with The Technical University of Denmark (DTU Fotonik). The illumination principles are unique (layered lighting) and they differ substantially from traditional light projectors. LED ligalight have no 'black spots on the fields, deliver 8-10 x failover on both light and electric circuits on, and the solution delivers unprecedented uniformity and performance already delivered on +10 footballfields and stadiums in Denmark.

Specialty areas:
Clean Tech:
Smart City:

Level of maturity:
Solution is fully developed with a positive business case, and ready for implementation

Ravnstrupvej 28
4684 Holmegaard

Kenneth Saxskiold-Nørup